Environmental Services - Field Sampling and Services:

Field Sampling and Services

1. Sample Pickups (Scheduled and Emergency)
2. Field Service Technicians (Experienced and Trained)
3. Sample Collection
• purging of groundwater monitoring wells
• composite and grab sampling
• sampling manholes, wells, streams, sludge ponds, etc.
4. On-Site Testing (pH, temperature, conductivity, chlorine, etc.)
5. Field Filtration and preservation
6. Calibrated Field Sampling Equipment
7. Field Forms: Chain-of-Custody Forms, Field Log Book

For the client who does their own sampling, we provide preserved/prepackaged sampling kits. Each kit is set up for a corresponding outfall or site, and if coolers for sampling or shipping are not readily available they will be provided.

For the client who does not do their own sampling, our fully trained field personnel are first shown the site by the client’s staff. Afterwards, James R. Reed and Associates will arrange the scheduling of sampling events according to permit requirements. We will also check to make sure we can meet your permit designated Method Detection Limits (MDLs) or Quantification Levels (QLs). We track monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual sampling parameters to meet your requirements.

James R. Reed and Associates' Project Coordinator is the point of contact for field services, bottle orders, shipping information, and sample receipt status.