Environmental Services - Hazardous Waste and Soil Analysis: |
![]() 1. BTEX 2. TPH-DRO/GRO 3. PAH 4. Oil & Grease 5. TCLP 6. Volatile/Semivolatile Organics Hazardous Waste Characteristics 1. Reactivity 2. Ignitability 3. Corrosivity @ pH 4. TCLP Metals Volatiles Semivolatiles Pesticides 5.
PCBs 6. Paint Filter Liquids Test 7. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Oil & Grease Diesel Range Organics Gasoline Range Organics Industrial, engineering, and municipal client requests often include RCRA, TCLP and hazardous waste characterization analysis (paint filter, reactivity and flashpoint/ignitability). James R. Reed and Associates recognizes the clients demand for quality and has North Carolina Certification for the TCLP metals and organic parameters. For more information about Hazardous Waste visit EPA's website here. |